We chose the name Monarchs in Motion to honor the monarch butterfly, one of the most resilient and amazing species on earth! The monarch migration is one of the greatest phenomena in the natural world. Monarchs know the correct direction to migrate even though the individuals that migrate have never made the journey before. They follow an internal “compass" that points them in the right direction each spring and fall.
How inspirational! These creatures commune with their friends, as well as their internal compass, to find the correct path. What can we learn from them? How can we learn to listen to our internal focus, rather than giving in to external distractions?
Monarch butterflies are symbols of hope, rebirth, and transformation. They start as nothing more than a caterpillar—small and ordinary. But then they fold themselves into a chrysalis and start to change. With great effort, they crawl out of their “shell” to flap their new wings and fly. There are many odds against a butterfly in all its forms, yet it still prevails to become the beautiful creature it was born to be.
The natural perseverance of a butterfly is an embodiment of hope. Even when it's trapped in a chrysalis, this insect can dig itself out.
The change from a caterpillar to a butterfly represents rebirth and transformation as this insect moves from one stage of life to the next.